À propos

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3 réflexions sur “À propos

  1. bonjour Thierry
    je suis bien rentrée hier, mais c’était rock’ roll car les avions avaient du retard et j’ ai eu 5 mn pour la correspondance à helsinki. je te donne mon adresse mail, si tu peux m’envoyer quelques photos. ainsi je pourrai frimer auprès de mon club d’astrophysique!!! o.doremus@gmail.com Merci encore pour tout. j’ai passé une semaine super Bonne continuation et bon courage. Odile


  2. Hi, this is quite an outside idea. But – have you though that you could have an ‘all done in French’- addition to your nature-based holidays? You could attract non-French people who enjoy the nature and outing in the area, but at the same time offer them a possibility to practise their French with native speakers? No classes, nothing like that, but meant for people who have basic knowledge of the language and who would like to develop their skills in understanding and speaking.


    • The Naali Lodge will soon be open to all nature lovers. Whether they are French or not. And we can talk to them in French or in English according to their desire. Sharing the love of the French language with a non-native, it will be with the greatest pleasure.
      Best regards.


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